Chair's Corner
Wow! The year is moving fast and its time to gear up for our next quarterly meeting which will be held in conjunction with CTER's Legal Update Conference happening December 10-13, 2024 at The Orleans Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada. A draft agenda for the conference can be found on the Home Page and below.
Our meeting will be a one day meeting at the end of Day 1 activities in Vegas for about 2 hours. This is a requirement of our bylaws and constitution that we have quarterly meetings, so since most of us will be attending CTER, we can take care of business while we are there. Below is an agenda.
As for our first quarterly meeting of the year 2025, Pascua Yaqui TERO Director, Nichol Soza and her team, have volunteered to host the meeting in Tucson, AZ sometime in March at the beautiful Casino Del Sol.
A big thank you & kudos goes out the the Tohono O'Odham Nation and TERO Director, Christy Bautista and her team, who did a wonderful job as host. Great venue and hotel staff!
As presented at our training, the EEOC has produced a fresh, new Tribal Nations PSA to help ensure that tribal members know about the EEOC and how to contact them.
The full video has been placed on the EEOC's Tribal Programs webpage at
You can also access it on YouTube at Tribal Nations PSA (
Feel free to share it with other TEROs.
Again, remember to invite your Tribal Leadership, Board Members, Commissioners, Compliance Officers and Staff Members to our meetings to learn more about the great things that TERO's can provide to tribal membership and tribes as a whole.
See you in Vegas!!